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//-->THE MAGIC LOOP METHOD:Crochet MagicRing Instructionsand PatternsFREEFREECrochet Magic RingInstructions and PatternsTHE ADJUSTABLE MAGIC RING IS PERFECT IF YOU DONOT WANT A HOLE IN THE CENTER OF YOUR MOTIF,HAT, OR OTHER PROJECT WORKED IN THE ROUND.This method is sometimes referred to as adjustable ring,magic loop, magic circle, or adjustable loop.In this free eBook, we have created a detailed how-toarticle on how to create both the basic magic ring andthe double magic ring. Large color photographs willwalk you through the creation process. Also included,three patterns will give you the perfect opportunity totry out the magic ring.TheBasic Magic Ringis the perfect technique for creatingprojects in the round. In contrast to working into a chainor a chain circle, the basic magic ring allows you to tightenthe first row, eliminating any opening. This is perfect forhats, afghans, and many motifs that are worked in theround.TheDouble Magic Ringis stronger than the basic magicring making it the perfect technique for items that willreceive hard use or for children’s accessories and toys. Thedouble magic ring is created using two strands of yarn andis especially great when you are using a single ply or light-weight yarn.Use your new magic ring skills to createPlay TimebyKim Werker. These easy juggling balls or hacky sacksare quick and easy and the perfect opportunity to playwith colors and stitched embellishments. Whip up a setin a weekend or build a stash with left-over yarn fromfinished projects.TheSisal Spiral Rugby Julie Armstrong Holetz elevatesa classic crochet motif to an eye-catching conversationpiece. Worked in sisal twine, this rug can be used indoorsor out. The use of the magic ring ensures a seamlessspiral. Create this fun rug for your own home or as aunique housewarming gift.TheLil’ Vampire Hatby Brenda K. B. Anderson is aperfect example of a how to use the magic ring tocreate a fun and warm crochet hat. This basic earflaphat is transformed from simple to a sweet and adorablemonster with the addition of a pair of pointy ears and acouple wee fangs.So grab some yarn and your favorite hook and practicecreating the magic ring. Then apply your new techniqueto a great free pattern. We would love to see your work;share your pictures in the Crochet Me Member Gallery.Best wishes,THE MAGIC LOOP METHOD:Toni RexroatEditor, CrochetMe.comP.S. Do you have friends who love crochet bags and wouldappreciate learning new crochet techniques as well as freepatterns? Forward this link to them so they can downloadtheir own free copy ofThe Magic Loop Method: FreeCrochet Magic Ring Instructions and PatternsfromCrochet Me.12345The Magic Ring: Basic Magic Ring.Play Time.. . . . page 3. . page 4The Magic Ring: Double Magic Ring.Sisal Spiral Rug.Lil’ Vampire HatTHE MAGIC LOOP METHOD: FREE CROCHETMAGIC RING INSTRUCTIONS AND PATTERNSA CROCHET ME E-BOOK EDITED BY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7Toni RexroatE D I T O R I A L S TA F FEDITORCROCHET METoni Rexroat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17CREATIVE SERVICESPRODUCTION DESIGNERAbbreviations and GlossaryJanice TapiaPHOTOGRAPHYAs notedILLUSTRATIONGayle Ford©F+W Media, Inc. All rights reserved. F+W Media grants permis-sion for any or all pages in this issue to be copied for personal use.Contents |©THE MAGIC LOOP METHOD: FREE CROCHET MAGIC RING INSTRUCTIONS AND PATTERNSF+W Media, Inc.|All rights reserved|F+W Media grants permission for any or all pages in this issue to be copied for personal use.|www.crochetme.com2TheMagicRingTHE ADJUSTABLE MAGIC RING IS PERFECT IF YOUDO NOT WANT A HOLE IN THE CENTER OF YOURMOTIF, HAT, OR OTHER PROJECT WORKED IN THEROUND. This method is sometimes referred to as adjustablering, magic loop, magic circle, or adjustable loop.Unlike working your stitches into a chain or into a ringcreated by joining chains, the adjustable ring does notbegin with a chain. Instead, wrap the tail into a circle.Insert the hook into the resulting ring and pull up a loop,chain one, and work the desired number of stitches intothe resulting loop. Don’t worry if your stitches don’t fill theentire loop as they do with the chain methods. After youhave worked your last stitch, pull the tail to tighten thering. Tada, no hole. There are two methods of working the magic ring. Thebasic magic ring consists of a single strand of yarn. Thisconstruction is great for most hats, afghans, and most motifprojects. It is also the simpler of the two methods.The double magic ring is created with a double strand of yarn.This double strand makes the magic ring stronger and is perfectfor hats that will see heavy use, children’s amigurumi, or manyhome decor items. Because the double magic ring is constructedof two strands, it is not ideal for chunky or bulky yarns.You can substitute a magic ring for other ways of begin-ning a project worked in the round, i.e. working into thefirst chain or creating a beginning ring from chain stitches.To substitute, work the stitches from round one into themagic ring.Basic Magic RingStep1:Leaving a long tail create aloop by placing the tail behind theworking yarn. The working yarn isthe end of the yarn that is comingfrom your working skein or ball.When you first begin working themagic loop, it is a good idea to leavea tail of 6" or longer. It may seemlike wasted yarn, but it will reallyhelp you keep your loop from com-ing undone as you work the first fewstitches. As you become more prac-ticed, you can decrease the lengthof your long tail.St e p2:Insert the crochet hookthrough the ring and yarn overwith the working yarn. Continueto keep a firm hold on the long tailand loop.Step3:Pull up a loop through themagic ring.Step4:Chain 1 by yarning over anddrawing through the loop on thehook. The magic ring is now morestable and easier to work into. Inorder to work half double crochetstitches, chain 2 or chain 3 to workdouble crochet stitches in the ring.Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4The Magic Ring |©THE MAGIC LOOP METHOD: FREE CROCHET MAGIC RING INSTRUCTIONS AND PATTERNS3F+W Media, Inc.|All rights reserved|F+W Media grants permission for any or all pages in this issue to be copied for personal use.|www.crochetme.comStep5:Work first single crochet in themagic ring by inserting the hook inthe ring, yarn over, and draw up aloop. Yarn over and draw throughboth loops on hook. Try placingyour pinkie inside the ring and ap-plying slight pressure to the far sideof the ring from the hook. Thiswill keep the ring from moving andmake it easier to work in.Step6:Working over the tail, contin-ue to work single crochet stitches inthe magic ring. Twelve single cro-chet stitches have been worked intothis ring. Don’t worry if the stitchesdo not completely fill the ring.Step7:Firmly grasp the tail and pull.Continue pulling until the hole iseliminated, even after the stitchesmeet.Step8:If the patterns is worked in theround, either continue crochetingin each single crochet around or slipstitch in the first stitch, chain one,and continue crocheting in eachstitch around.Step 5Step 6Step 7Step 8Double Magic RingStep1:Pinning the long tail betweenyour thumb and middle finger, wrapthe working yarn around your in-dex finger three times.Step2:Remove the ring from yourfinger.Step3:Insert the hook in the ring andyarn over with the working yarn.Step4:Pull up a loop through thering.Step 1Step 2Step 3The Magic Ring |©Step 44THE MAGIC LOOP METHOD: FREE CROCHET MAGIC RING INSTRUCTIONS AND PATTERNSF+W Media, Inc.|All rights reserved|F+W Media grants permission for any or all pages in this issue to be copied for personal use.|www.crochetme.comStep5:Chain one and single crochetin the ring.Step6:Working over the tail, contin-ue to work single crochet stitches inthe magic ring. Twelve single cro-chet stitches have been worked intothis ring. Don’t worry if the stitchesdo not completely fill the ring.Step7:Pull the yarn tail slightly, thenpull the working yarn firmly totighten.Step8:Pull the yarn tail to finish clos-ing the ring, slip stitch in beginningstitch to join.Step9:If the patterns is worked in theround, either continue crochetingin each single crochet around or slipstitch in the first stitch, chain one,and continue crocheting in eachstitch around.Step 5Step 6Step 7Step 8Step 9The Magic Ring |©THE MAGIC LOOP METHOD: FREE CROCHET MAGIC RING INSTRUCTIONS AND PATTERNS5F+W Media, Inc.|All rights reserved|F+W Media grants permission for any or all pages in this issue to be copied for personal use.|www.crochetme.com
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