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//-->O F F I C I A LM I C R O S O F TL E A R N I N GP R O D U C T10265A®Developing Data Access Solutions withMicrosoft Visual Studio 2010®Volume 2iiDeveloping Data Access Solutions with Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice.Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people,places, and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domainname, e-mail address, logo, person, place or event is intended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyrightlaws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may bereproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic,mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of MicrosoftCorporation.Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subjectmatter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of thisdocument does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.The names of manufacturers, products, or URLs are provided for informational purposes only and Microsoft makes norepresentations and warranties, either expressed, implied, or statutory, regarding these manufacturers or the use of theproducts with any Microsoft technologies. The inclusion of a manufacturer or product does not imply endorsement ofMicrosoft of the manufacturer or product. Links may be provided to third party sites. Such sites are not under the control ofMicrosoft and Microsoft is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or anychanges or updates to such sites. Microsoft is not responsible for webcasting or any other form of transmission received fromany linked site. Microsoft is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not implyendorsement of Microsoft of the site or the products contained therein.© 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Microsoft, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/orother countries.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Product Number: 10265APart Number : X17-47849Released: 10/2010MICROSOFT LICENSE TERMSOFFICIAL MICROSOFT LEARNING PRODUCTS - TRAINER EDITION –Pre-Release and Final Release VersionsThese license terms are an agreement between Microsoft Corporation and you. Please read them. They apply to the LicensedContent named above, which includes the media on which you received it, if any. The terms also apply to any Microsoftupdates,supplements,Internet-based services, andsupport servicesfor this Licensed Content, unless other terms accompany those items. If so, those terms apply.By using the Licensed Content, you accept these terms. If you do not accept them, do not use the LicensedContent.If you comply with these license terms, you have the rights below.1.DEFINITIONS.a.“Academic Materials”means the printed or electronic documentation such as manuals, workbooks, white papers,press releases, datasheets, and FAQs which may be included in the Licensed Content.b.“Authorized Learning Center(s)”means a Microsoft Certified Partner for Learning Solutions location, an ITAcademy location, or such other entity as Microsoft may designate from time to time.c.“Authorized Training Session(s)”means those training sessions authorized by Microsoft and conducted at orthrough Authorized Learning Centers by a Trainer providing training to Students solely on Official Microsoft LearningProducts (formerly known as Microsoft Official Curriculum or “MOC”) and Microsoft Dynamics Learning Products(formerly know as Microsoft Business Solutions Courseware). Each Authorized Training Session will provide training onthe subject matter of one (1) Course.d.“Course” means one of the courses using Licensed Content offered by an Authorized Learning Center during anAuthorized Training Session, each of which provides training on a particular Microsoft technology subject matter.e.“Device(s)”means a single computer, device, workstation, terminal, or other digital electronic or analog device.f.“Licensed Content”means the materials accompanying these license terms. The Licensed Content may include, butis not limited to, the following elements: (i) Trainer Content, (ii) Student Content, (iii) classroom setup guide, and (iv)Software. There are different and separate components of the Licensed Content for each Course.“Software”means the Virtual Machines and Virtual Hard Disks, or other software applications that may be includedwith the Licensed Content.“Student Content”means the learning materials accompanying these license terms that are for use by Students andTrainers during an Authorized Training Session. Student Content may include labs, simulations, and courseware filesfor a Course.“Trainer(s)”means a) a person who is duly certified by Microsoft as a Microsoft Certified Trainer and b) such otherindividual as authorized in writing by Microsoft and has been engaged by an Authorized Learning Center to teach orinstruct an Authorized Training Session to Students on its behalf.g.h.“Student(s)”means a student duly enrolled for an Authorized Training Session at your location.i.j.k.“Trainer Content”means the materials accompanying these license terms that are for use by Trainers and Students,as applicable, solely during an Authorized Training Session. Trainer Content may include Virtual Machines, Virtual HardDisks, Microsoft PowerPoint files, instructor notes, and demonstration guides and script files for a Course.l.“Virtual Hard Disks”means Microsoft Software that is comprised of virtualized hard disks (such as a base virtual harddisk or differencing disks) for a Virtual Machine that can be loaded onto a single computer or other device in order toallow end-users to run multiple operating systems concurrently. For the purposes of these license terms, Virtual HardDisks will be considered “Trainer Content”.m.“Virtual Machine”means a virtualized computing experience, created and accessed using Microsoft Virtual PC orMicrosoft Virtual Server software that consists of a virtualized hardware environment, one or more Virtual Hard Disks,and a configuration file setting the parameters of the virtualized hardware environment (e.g., RAM). For the purposesof these license terms, Virtual Hard Disks will be considered “Trainer Content”.n.“you”means the Authorized Learning Center or Trainer, as applicable, that has agreed to these license terms.2.OVERVIEW.Licensed Content.The Licensed Content includes Software, Academic Materials (online and electronic), Trainer Content,Student Content, classroom setup guide, and associated media.License Model.The Licensed Content is licensed on a per copy per Authorized Learning Center location or per Trainerbasis.3.INSTALLATION AND USE RIGHTS.a.Authorized Learning Centers and Trainers: For each Authorized Training Session, you may:i.either install individual copies of the relevant Licensed Content on classroom Devices only for use by Studentsenrolled in and the Trainer delivering the Authorized Training Session, provided that the number of copies in usedoes not exceed the number of Students enrolled in and the Trainer delivering the Authorized Training Session,ORii.install one copy of the relevant Licensed Content on a network server only for access by classroom Devices andonly for use by Students enrolled in and the Trainer delivering the Authorized Training Session, provided that thenumber of Devices accessing the Licensed Content on such server does not exceed the number of Studentsenrolled in and the Trainer delivering the Authorized Training Session.iii.and allow the Students enrolled in and the Trainer delivering the Authorized Training Session to use the LicensedContent that you install in accordance with (ii) or (ii) above during such Authorized Training Session in accordancewith these license terms.i.Separation of Components. The components of the Licensed Content are licensed as a single unit. You may notseparate the components and install them on different Devices.ii.Third Party Programs. The Licensed Content may contain third party programs. These license terms will apply tothe use of those third party programs, unless other terms accompany those programs.b.Trainers:i.Trainers may Use the Licensed Content that you install or that is installed by an Authorized Learning Center on aclassroom Device to deliver an Authorized Training Session.ii.Trainers may also Use a copy of the Licensed Content as follows:A.Licensed Device. The licensed Device is the Device on which you Use the Licensed Content. You may installand Use one copy of the Licensed Content on the licensed Device solely for your own personal training Use andfor preparation of an Authorized Training Session.B.Portable Device. You may install another copy on a portable device solely for your own personal training Useand for preparation of an Authorized Training Session.4.PRE-RELEASE VERSIONS.If this is a pre-release (“beta”) version, in addition to the other provisions in this agreement,these terms also apply:a.Pre-Release Licensed Content.This Licensed Content is a pre-release version. It may not contain the sameinformation and/or work the way a final version of the Licensed Content will. We may change it for the final,commercial version. We also may not release a commercial version. You will clearly and conspicuously inform anyStudents who participate in each Authorized Training Session of the foregoing; and, that you or Microsoft are under noobligation to provide them with any further content, including but not limited to the final released version of theLicensed Content for the Course.b.Feedback.If you agree to give feedback about the Licensed Content to Microsoft, you give to Microsoft, withoutcharge, the right to use, share and commercialize your feedback in any way and for any purpose. You also give tothird parties, without charge, any patent rights needed for their products, technologies and services to use or interfacewith any specific parts of a Microsoft software, Licensed Content, or service that includes the feedback. You will notgive feedback that is subject to a license that requires Microsoft to license its software or documentation to third partiesbecause we include your feedback in them. These rights survive this agreement.c.Confidential Information.The Licensed Content, including any viewer, user interface, features and documentationthat may be included with the Licensed Content, is confidential and proprietary to Microsoft and its suppliers.i.Use.For five years after installation of the Licensed Content or its commercial release, whichever is first, youmay not disclose confidential information to third parties. You may disclose confidential information only toyour employees and consultants who need to know the information. You must have written agreements withthem that protect the confidential information at least as much as this agreement.Survival.Your duty to protect confidential information survives this agreement.ii.iii.Exclusions.You may disclose confidential information in response to a judicial or governmental order. Youmust first give written notice to Microsoft to allow it to seek a protective order or otherwise protect theinformation. Confidential information does not include information thatd.becomes publicly known through no wrongful act;you received from a third party who did not breach confidentiality obligations to Microsoft or its suppliers;oryou developed independently.Term.The term of this agreement for pre-release versions is (i) the date which Microsoft informs you is the end datefor using the beta version, or (ii) the commercial release of the final release version of the Licensed Content, whicheveris first(“beta term”).Use.You will cease using all copies of the beta version upon expiration or termination of the beta term, and willdestroy all copies of same in the possession or under your control and/or in the possession or under the control of anyTrainers who have received copies of the pre-released version.Copies.Microsoft will inform Authorized Learning Centers if they may make copies of the beta version (in either printand/or CD version) and distribute such copies to Students and/or Trainers. If Microsoft allows such distribution, youwill follow any additional terms that Microsoft provides to you for such copies and distribution.e.f.5.ADDITIONAL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS AND/OR USE RIGHTS.a. Authorized Learning Centers and Trainers:i.Software.ii. Virtual Hard Disks.The Licensed Content may contain versions of Microsoft XP, Microsoft Windows Vista,Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 2000 Advanced Server and/or other Microsoft productswhich are provided in Virtual Hard Disks.A. If the Virtual Hard Disks and the labs are launched through the Microsoft Learning Lab Launcher,then these terms apply:Time-Sensitive Software. If the Software is not reset, it will stop running based upon the time indicated on theinstall of the Virtual Machines (between 30 and 500 days after you install it). You will not receive notice beforeit stops running. You may not be able to access data used or information saved with the Virtual Machineswhen it stops running and may be forced to reset these Virtual Machines to their original state. You mustremove the Software from the Devices at the end of each Authorized Training Session and reinstall and launchit prior to the beginning of the next Authorized Training Session.B. If the Virtual Hard Disks require a product key to launch, then these terms apply:Microsoft will deactivate the operating system associated with each Virtual Hard Disk. Before installing anyVirtual Hard Disks on classroom Devices for use during an Authorized Training Session, you will obtain fromMicrosoft a product key for the operating system software for the Virtual Hard Disks and will activate suchSoftware with Microsoft using such product key.C. These terms apply to all Virtual Machines and Virtual Hard Disks:You may only use the Virtual Machines and Virtual Hard Disks if you comply with the terms andconditions of this agreement and the following security requirements:ooYou may not install Virtual Machines and Virtual Hard Disks on portable Devices or Devices that areaccessible to other networks.You must remove Virtual Machines and Virtual Hard Disks from all classroom Devices at the end of eachAuthorized Training Session, except those held at Microsoft Certified Partners for Learning Solutionslocations.
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